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Friday – game night & swimming

11 October 2024
Coordinator: Mariska Winter (and Milou!)
To bring: “fast” swimming clothing,
inflatable animals,
board games*

*Expensive games at your own risk.

Game night

20:00 At the games night, you can recover in peace from yesterday’s festivities. And for those who only join us at the weekend, this is a great first chance to start catching up! Bring your favourite board games, and don’t forget your swimming gear.
Sports canteen

Swimming “training”

20:15 group 1
21:00 group 2
While the board games are in full swing upstairs, swimming trainer Mariska Winter will provide us with a final training session of her making. Accessible to all levels, and with the necessary unconventional props included.
Indoor pool


Unfortunately, due to illness, there was no-one available to take pictures today. Some very cool shots of the swimming part have been incorporated into the after-movie, however!