

Welcome to D.S.T.V. Aloha! Are you too hardcore for 1 sport, join Aloha and practice 3 (or more, eating dessert is also a sport)! We offer training sessions for swimming, cycling, and running.


If you want to join us for a free workout (or three!) you can sign up here to access our registration system, enter your name under the ‘Guests’ heading and train with no obligation!

Intro training! »

Already have enough new things in the first week of the academic year? Or are you still not convinced that you have enough time next to your studies for sports (spoilers: you do)? Feel free to sign up, you can join three free trainings throughout the year to see what you think.

About us

We are the student triathlon club, which means we swim, bike, and run together several times a week. We have about 90 members, from absolute beginners to professional triathletes who are always available for tips and advice. The fact that we are not that big also means that we all know each other well. Besides sports, we do many activities together, such as an impromptu swim in Rutbeek with dinner afterwards, dessert after workouts, or ditch shooting (klootschieten, a local sport)!

In the table below you can find our summer training schedule. The winter schedule differs slightly, because the outdoor pool is closed, and spinning and core stability training are added. As you can see we have a lot of training moments, but don’t let that scare you off: many members choose their training sessions per week/sport. It is not mandatory to do any of them. In addition, people are always up for a round of running, swimming, or biking in search of the best ice cream in Twente.

Training Day Time Location
Swimming (endurance) Mon 18:00 h UT outdoor pool
Cycling (beginners & advanced) Tue 18:00 h* Assemble at Sports Centre
Swimming (technique) Wed 20:00 h UT outdoor pool
Running Thu 19:30 h UTrack
Swimming (endurance) Fri 20:00 h UT outdoor pool

*17:30 if you need to rent a road bike.


Life is not just about sports; next to training sessions, we also organize a lot of fun activities. Among others, the gala, cake-baking contest, and Easter breakfast are annual one-day gems. For long-term entertainment, we have the association’s weekend and Aloha-in-the-mountains in store.

Some impressions from the past year(s) can be found below. If you would like to see more, check us out on Instagram!

Besides competing in triathlons, our more athletic activities include the one and only Building Run (a running race through the inside of UT buildings) and the UT-Triathlon. The latter attracts around 700 participants and 1,500 visitors each year. This event is organized entirely by (former) members of D.S.T.V. Aloha, and is usually the first triathlon race of the season in the Netherlands!

Onze meer sportieve activiteiten, behalve natuurlijk meedoen aan triathlons, zijn onder andere de enige echte Gebouwenloop (een hardloopwedstrijdje door de gebouwen van de UT) en de UT-Triathlon. Naar die laatste komen jaarlijks rond de 700 deelnemers en 1500 bezoekers. Dit evenement is volledig georganiseerd door (oud-)leden van D.S.T.V. Aloha, en is meestal de eerste triathlonwedstrijd van het seizoen in Nederland!

The 38th edition of the UT Triathlon took place on May 11, 2024. For more information see


Do you have a question, suggestion or selfie you want to share? Our Kick-In committee will be present at all fairs this week, and of course on the sports day! You can also always send a message to the board.