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Monday – opening dinner & monkey tag

7 October 2024
Coordinator: Mees Flapper

Opening dinner

18:00 The sports canteen has prepared an extra special weekly special for us! While enjoying this (optionally vegetarian) meal, we will festively open the lustrum week together. By the way, the weekly special is already available from the Thursday before, so go and get a little sneak peak! The cost of the meal is not included in the registration fee.
Sports canteen

Monkey tag

19:30 After dinner, we cycle together towards the gym for an old-fashioned game of monkey tag (let us know if you have a good translation for this – basically tag while climbing stuff?). Feel like a primary school pupil again – nobody said we weren’t going to move at all during the lustrum week. You will need sportswear for this activity; changing clothes is possible on location.
Gym Park de Kotten
