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Saturday – (former) members’ day

12 October 2024
Coordinator: Tommie Verouden

Today is the day when old and new Aloha meet! Are you coming from far away, don’t have all day, or are you participating in the Landgoed Twente Marathon, for example? Of course it is possible to join the parts of the programme that suit you best today. However, we would appreciate it if you could let us know exactly when you will be present when you register. Or send us an e-mail at

Sporty start

10:30 Led by our three core stability trainers of the past decade (in chronological order: Lieke ten Hove, Izak Hanse and Lars Bossink), we will start the day sportily. Bring some comfortable sportswear and running shoes; showering afterwards is possible at the Sports Centre. Accessible to all skill levels.
Sports centre
(good weather)
On the grass
(bad weather)

Catch-up lunch

12:30 Time to catch up and enjoy a sandwich together.
Sports canteen

Murder mystery

13:30 Alo the Haan has disappeared! It’s up to you to find out what happened – which team will be the first to unravel the mystery? Also, it’s a campus tour, because many things have changed in the past five years. We will gather at the Sports Centre entrance after lunch.
Sports Centre

Drinks, dinner & lustrum auction

16:00 drinks
18:00 buffet
20:00 auction
We start the last evening of the lustrum week with a drink* in the TAP, the drinks room in the Carré building. Browse through the 6th edition of de Palmboom, catch up with your year-mates or discuss have a chat about the past and present at Enschede’s finest sports club. Dinner will also be served in the TAP. When we have filled our bellies, it’s time for the last part: the legendary lustrum auction! So search your basement/attic for the most exclusive pieces of Aloha merchandise, or other items you think will raise a lot of money for this lustrum’s charity, het Jeugdfonds Sport & Cultuur. And who knows, you too might go home with something beautiful. On behalf of the lustrum committee, thank you so much for attending!
TAP (Carré floor 5)

*Lunch and dinner are included in the registration fee; drinks are not.
